Brick Clad Finish
Attractive and innovative brick-clad garages
Many of our clients have asked for the brick clad finish so that they can blend their property seamlessly with their garage. Although a fairly new product, this finish has proven itself as being durable, robust and not needing any maintenance. In fact, this cladding should last you for years.
The cladding is installed by adding it to the concrete panels that most of our garages are built from. It’s surprisingly affordable too both in terms of time and money. There are no joints to manage, and it’s available in a range of colours.
Here are the benefits that you can expect to enjoy:
- This high quality produce from Germany has no joints, and therefore no jointing strips either!
- Cladding that is designed to give you a traditional look brick garage
- Alternatively just opt for the gables at the front or the back to be cladded
- Brick corners and edgings to match
- 7 different colours of brick finish to select from
- An alternative stone finish
- Available on any of our garages and buildings
- It doesn’t matter how long or how wide the building is for this look to work
- Far more cost effective than traditionally laid brick
- Long lasting, robust and durable
- Free of maintenance
If you want to find out more about our brick cladding finish, call us now on 07872 923241.
We supply brick-clad concrete garages and pre-fab sheds in the Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire and Buckinghamshire counties in the Midlands as well as Cornwall and the West Country. If required, we can also supply throughout the UK.